Well it came my attention that AudioGalaxy is closed, it was good while it lasted. NEXT PROGRAM!!!!! I’ll keep you all posted when I find one that isn’t loaded with spyware, viruses, and just don’t work! I got this pic some time ago, never thought to put it up on the page, it’s my friend’s Monte Carlo, really sweet ride. This pic wasn’t taken with my camera, going home this Aug. get some good ones of his car, and his dads (Corvette).

Wow, I’m slacking on the updates. I have grabbed a 60gig HD for the server, and installed it! (with force, really need larger case) Now I have 130Gigs to play with, and download google (that ones for you Jamie). My XP box was dying slowly, so took it out of it’s misery and wipied it clean, working great now. Still having trouble with getting a second monitor that looks good (not fuzzy), try one tomorrow. People are still trying to run scripts on my server, so the pic stays, or maybe not I’m in a rush right now. Well…… that’s about it, till next time.

Hmmmm, what’s been happening. Some poeple out there are trying to get into my server to grab my MP3s. Most of them came from the USA, next was from Singapore, then Germany, and then the United Kingdom. Things have changed, MP3s aren’t up, just the Web Pages, and I wonder if the person out there is going to stop trying to run scripts to get into my server and run “cmd.com”. Come on people, I’m only on cable, find someone with a T1-T3 line to pick on, it’s not like I have anything important. If you want Mp3s download AudioGalaxy, the speed will be alot better. Other then that not much has been going on, still waiting to get my 19″ monitor back (in for repairs, 🙁 little fuzzy), almost picked up another motherboard for my LINUX box, so close I can taste it. This is a must see, Triumph: The Insult Comic Dog – Starwars Nerds NBC. (You missed it July 6)