Darn, the office idea didn’t pan out for me, found that the spare bed I have in the room is to BIG. Oh well gave me a good chance to clean-up the mess of wires in behind the desk. On the happy side of things, I have just won a DVD Player from a contest I was entered in, 5th prize. I will not bitch about that. I have also added a new link to a site on my “Where to Go” button, it’s under “Links”, “Other Places”, and “RealLife Comics”, great little comic strip, just what computer nerds need. BOOO, Happy Halloween

ALEX IS GONE, don’t know how I feel about that, oh well. As you can see up top there is a new pic showing my main room, look new couch, well not really but thank’s anyway Jamie. The other room, that’s super messy, is going to be my new bedroom after I make a trip to the dump. (maybe more then one) Wow do I have a $$$ shortage, need to keep a tight ass, and be a scrouge for awhile so i get back on top. Things have been moving a little slower then expected, the WebSite could be down at any time this month to move things into the office. (hehehe still like saying that) Till next time.