Weekend is a bust

Xavier now has a new look, my server has been tranfered over from the old box, and all files have been moved too. All of this was done so we could have an extra computer for some LAN gaming, but guess what, none of that happened. Jush was nee deep in RAGNAROK Online, and he dove in. Mr. Chi (Bunny) brought over his XBox, and there was this weird B-Rated Kung-Fu fighting movie game that could be really fun if you had more people playing. Following day me and Mikey finished off the new Matrix game, it’s not a bad game, little to short. I’m also having fun ripping up the concrete in Burnout2, it’s no Grand Turismo, but still has a great feel for driving in the game, Chi is going to be hard pressed to beat some of my lap times. I’m in the middle of a 4 day weekend, since I got Monday off. Thinking of what I could do next that has nothing to do with computer stuff, that’s probably not going to happen. I really need a new job, this place is sucking the life out of me, don’t get me wrong, it’s not as bad as working at… lets say McDonalds 😉 but the same problems from day to day from so many different people with the SAME DAMN QUESTIONS. Need a place where there is a network, that I can set permissions and stuff. Oh well, that’s all for now.

Xavier now has a new look, my server has been tranfered over from the old box, and all files have been moved too. All of this was done so we could have an extra computer for some LAN gaming, but guess what, none of that happened. Jush was nee deep in RAGNAROK Online, and he dove in. Mr. Chi (Bunny) brought over his XBox, and there was this weird B-Rated Kung-Fu fighting movie game that could be really fun if you had more people playing. Following day me and Mikey finished off the new Matrix game, it’s not a bad game, little to short. I’m also having fun ripping up the concrete in Burnout2, it’s no Grand Turismo, but still has a great feel for driving in the game, Chi is going to be hard pressed to beat some of my lap times. I’m in the middle of a 4 day weekend, since I got Monday off. Thinking of what I could do next that has nothing to do with computer stuff, that’s probably not going to happen. I really need a new job, this place is sucking the life out of me, don’t get me wrong, it’s not as bad as working at… lets say McDonalds 😉 but the same problems from day to day from so many different people with the SAME DAMN QUESTIONS. Need a place where there is a network, that I can set permissions and stuff. Oh well, that’s all for now.

Anything after this

This is post put in out of order just to say that anything before this is the old post I have reverted to this posting style, so it might not have some of the fair it once did, but it’s taken me a lot of time so appreciate it.

This isn’t really a post…. So, I’ll get on with it. I am trying to switch servers in the next few days, there may be time when the main and the forum site will be down, like tonite around 930pm EST, going to try and have every thing done before Friday. Got a LAN thing happening this weekend and the extra computer is needed. 🙂 Thanks for visiting, and please bare with me, if I’m gone, I will be back soon.

What do you know, I’m a day early… I’m thinking I will not have time tomorrow to do a post, sooo I’m doing it now. As for other news, I have done it and got the forums up and running, link is under the MENU button; thought I should mention it since Mikey and Chris already have it posted on there pages. The forums are running on a different box then my main server, so that means it may be down from time to time, but not to worry it will be back. Administration is great (if you can’t tell that’s Sarcasm), I already have a squabble happen what I have to straighten out. I’m in the process of switching the main server, and with that may come a few surprizes, going to try a different system of web pages. Maybe…. Other news, it has slowed down enough in the store that my hours have been cut down a bit, just when I was going to start get a bit ahead, guess it’s back to penny pinching again. In the long run I got more time to look for jobs… Ya I’m done… Bye

Have you ever felt alone, or single out. That’s a daily thing for me, waking-up every morning knowing that nobody else will be there to share the day with. Seeing most of my friends around me in good relationships, or getting married. Happiness is a thing that appears for very breif moments in my life, and they seem to come at odd times, not when there suppost to. (driving down the sidewalks in GTA3 as an example) Ahh the things I’ll never know…. On another note Happy Fathers to all those lucky enough to be one, hope the card got there dad. I’m going to end things here before I go to far again… Go now

Time for another installment of the Ian show… Unfortantly the show has been cancaled for lack of ideas… as a haze goes over the writers eyes. I’ll be back with something better next time.

Well, well, well… Another Sunday has come, time for a post. I have been slacking in the posting area, was going good with 2 posts a week, guess the “lazy demon” is back telling me to lay on the couch. But he will not take me on this day, this day of posting. 🙂 As for other things… Jush, Mikey, and I totally wasted the yesterday with C&C Generals, when Mike was here we only had 3 games (Mike was here from 11am-7pm), Jush and I had 2 more games, then it was 11pm. Man the day just disappeared?!?!??! Work is starting to pick up a little, but just a bit. It was busy enough at the end of the week to keep me occupied, a bit. Mr. Jamie had some good happy news for me… not going to jinx it. Done

Where too begin… The mind is going numb, along with my ass with how slow it is in the store, everybody is on the yard work kick now because of spring. They need there flowers, shrubs, bla, bla, bla… you get my point, and all there kids are finishing up school projects so there is no way the computer is leaving the house. What does this all mean, I’m bored as Hell. I had some odd ramblings on Chi’s MSN, think I was really losing it, because he wasn’t home!!!! —- ramblings —– GOT ONE, oh he’s a whylly-one, when rounding up mall goers, you must BE-CARFUL, they are quick and very dangous pretetors expesally the females if there is a shoe sale… as for the males the best way to bait them is with a 60″ wide-screen TV, when enough have gatherd to baith in it’s warm glow. BLAM — you drop the net, then they get fiesty, but you can sooth them with sweet sounds of hockey and football scores… as for the little ones, well… there just screamers before you catch them, so unless you don’t like hearing stuff, leave them be… —- end ramblings —- I need help… On to other things, thanks go out to Jush for borrowing the projector on the weekend, made the watching of Equilibrium and the Animatrix really BIG (90 inches to be excact). speaking of Jush, he is the only one sticking with RAGNAROK Online, since they are going to a pay2play service today. I just don’t have enough disposible income for that, I still like the game though. I am proud to say that I have amazed my good friend Jeff (think it’s the first time), did it last night when he was having trouble getting the “Talking” feature on his computer workin, SO I TOOK CONTROL OF IT… HA HA HA… not as bad as it sounds, XP gives you that ability, of course there are other ways… 😉 Annnnd DONE