Guess what I switched over… Well you’ll have to guess, I’m not telling. Sorry it’s been awhile, but not to much has happened other then my DVD Player isn’t here yet. :@ I might have a good chance at getting a new job that pays twice as much, that could make thing easier for me, you know with keeping a roof over my head. Keep your fingers crossed for me, “popa needs a new pair a shoes”, not kidding. I need to use my G2 more, haven’t touched it in a bit, feel a bit guilty about that. X-mas is coming to fast, where the hell did the last six months go… I’ll check under the couch!!! Things I lose always and up there. Oh well, laterzz

Well the pop’s is gone, had a real good visit, and I now have a microwave. No more cold leftovers for me. Thanks again dad. Dad and I got around to see the majority of the family, been a long time since I seen most of them, it was fun. I put this pic back up just cuz it’s cool looking… and I’m not at home right now. Oh shutup. Till next time.