At the end there new beginnings

So I’ve noticed that people still come to the site, even though I haven’t been updating on a regular basis, good to know. Last Thursday I drove up to Thunder Bay for the funeral of my last remaining grandfather, I made the 1400KM+ trip in one day, I have done it once before but last time I did it I was heading back south the next day (remind me not to be a nice guy), this time I was able to staying for awhile and I ended up leaving on Monday.
Continue reading At the end there new beginnings

The pain is gone

Early this morning, the long and full life of my last grandfather came to an end.
He was surrounded by family at the time of his passing, and may we all be so lucky.
Let us not remember the mistakes that were made, but remember the joyous times.
Keep those memories alive and they will never die in your heart.

Rest in Peace, your pain has ended.


Back into the saddle

Make this short and sweet… I’m out of WoW and planning on getting back into the swing of things here, with improvements and regular updates on this thing that is my life.

There, it has been said… lets see if I can follow through with it.