About the Yard

This is the place where Ian’s web presence will ooze…
Not that Ian oozes anything, because that just sounds a bit odd.
Even though Ian isn’t an ordinary fellow, he just doesn’t ooze anywhere… other then on the web. Does that make sense? Talking in the 3rd person is it weird?!?
I put the blog back as the main page… so good chance no one will ever really read this anyway, but just in case I’d update this area so it doesn’t seem out of place.

Hope to do more work on the photo section this time around… I have gallery3 up and running now, so go check it out. Now I  just have to remember to bring a camera with me when I go out.
Hello Android phone… 🙂

OH!!! I’m married now… and have 2 children! 😀
Thing1 and Thing2

If you can't beat them…. arrange to have them beaten