Pointed in her direction

We are done… Sophie has had her last birthday party for the year…
She managed to have 3 this year, well OK maybe not “3” parties, but 3 days that were pointed in her direction because she turned 6 years old.

Parents were able to make it down for this one. 🙂

They have never seen the new house in person, and Alex was just a little guy last time they were down, but the kids were happy as hell to see grandma and grandpa… think grandpa got his workout in for the day with the amount of running around the kids put him through.
It was a good party, and I believed everyone had a good time, and Sophie ended up with more presents… 😐

Hugs were abundant, and never in short supply, especially after grandma brought some rocks from the Thunder Bay Area (amethyst, etc). I have this feeling Sophie going to be a geologist.

Of course Sophie/Alex wanted to show their school. So we went to the playground to fly a kite, the kids had to make sure that Grandpa didn’t fly away… and grandpa made the mistake of letting Sophie use his camera, there are going to be a lot of photos to sift through.

Last thing we did was go out for dinner, and ended up going to a nice place in Dover, 211 Main Gastropub. It was too cold for the deck, which was a bit of a downer, they looked really good, but the inside was nice, and the food was good. Higher end pub-grub, with more local items thrown in… my parents ordered some clams, and that was a new thing for the kids. To explain, we normally don’t have seafood/fish around the house since Jen has strong feelings against it… so this was the first time the kids saw a clam, and also tasted it. They liked it! 😀

Yesterday was also my parents anniversary. All the best. 🙂

Stopped by the hotel this morning to surprise them with some goodbye hugs.

-Ian out-

Gekko costume

Oh where to start… was a whirlwind weekend, that started right after work on Friday.
I had to drive to Cambridge to pick up some tea, but not just any tea… see this is a magic potion tea that changes colours from a dark purple, to a bright pink when lemonade is added, it was a big hit at the party. I didn’t mention the party bit… there was a party. Sophie is turned 6 today, and wanted a princess STEM party, and Jen being who she is, gave her just that.

Party was done at a place called Exploring Senses Play Lab, it’s in a home basement, and setup for multiple child mayhem. Painting, slime making, water table thingy, buckets on pulleys that you can fill with sand, and these O ball things that suck when you step on them… Sophie looked to be beaming, all her friends were there, and her brother (i’ll get to him in a bit).

OK, OK, I’m going to talk about him now, 30mins in his pants were off… actually off, and the only boy there, but luck for me I was on the pizza run, and missed all that fun. When I got back, he was wearing the “Gekko” costume we brought so he wouldn’t throw a fit as we were leaving the house. Guess it was a good thing in the end. 😐

The greatest thing about the party is we didn’t have to clean up, I felt a little bad, just a little… 😀

The next day we went to the MakerExpo in Kitchener, to see some cool stuff, and have the kids make soon things too. There was a cardboard building area, jigsaw cutting, soldering, robots, more robots, battle bots, Lego, video green screens,  and balloons… lots of balloons.

That’s all for now.
Sophie also has a party this weekend with the older generation, so going to get spoiled again.

-Ian out-