Ok this is going to be quick. You remember how I said my computer was slow after one of the windows updates (if not read below), well did some searching around at 2cpu’s forums, and guess what I found. As you can guess I wasn’t the only one with the problem, going down though the threads somebody posted a link to the the inquirer, where it talks about the problem. The quick run down is, if your a home user you don’t need it. I’ve uninstalled it and there is a big change in performance. There, the followers are informed. I am done, go now.

IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN… Time for another wonderful fun fill post of joy and happiness. Well you should know better if you come to this site often. Not that anything is happening, just been really slow at the store (where I work) as of late, and my ass is getting sore, but I am doing tons of geek reading. The slow down in business, I guess might have something to do with the NEW P4 line coming out. See Intel is changing the FSB (front side bus) again to 800MHz, from 533 (started at 400MHz with a 428 ZIF socket), which means that new motherboards are needed to support it. This is the forth time thing have changed, P3’s only had three changes, well four, but the last one really didn’t count because P4’s were out. Hellish for the customers trying to buy a system, all the numbers that get thrown at them (the carnage ), the real suckers are the ones that go out looking for a computer to take home that same day in a box (no names are going to be added here, but you know who you are). Real cool thing about the new line of 800MHz CPUs, besides the raw speed it’s offering, and the price is around the same as the others, is that they have “Hyper Threading” which tricks the OS in thinking that there are 2 proccesers, and that means more speed for multi-tasking “Windows” freaks like me (might have to get another monitor for more windows, hehehe), but really, it suppost to help for a smoother running system, hell it could fix the problem with one of the WinXP updates that has turned my P3 1.2GHz into a dog for starting programs. Just hope the the bugs are worked out, Intel had a recall for the CPUs on the day they were shipping, hmmm, makes you wonder. And the geek arises from his hollow hole, with a monitor tan… I need to get out more, heesshh. I’m going to do something non-computer related. Till next time.

OK, I’ve just saw a movie called “Equilibrium”, and to quote Ian McConville from MacHall: “Holy ba-jesus. That movie has won the “best use of pistols” award from me.

That movie was different, but if you like over the top gun fights, this movie is for you. Oddly enough I’ve never heard of this movie, and it suppozedly came out in Dec 2002, guess the guys in advertizing in HollyWood dropped the ball on this one, they seem to do that alot, I haven’t seen a thing for Kill Bill, and that one looks great. Now on too more pressing issues, RAGNAROK Online is very addictive… I don’t mind, and I’m ahead of Jush for once in a game (hehehe he was at wedding). Game play really reminds me of Diablo, but with one difference, your playing with 10,000 other people! There are two servers Loki and Chaos (we play on Chaos) that you can play on, Choas is always has the most people, but late at night, or in the middle of the day there is practically no lag, but between 3-ish and 10-ish… just don’t go there, you’ll get the kick every 10 mins or so, maybe?!?!?! Come join us if you got the time, just look for “roninspawn” (that’s me, duh), “Saliba” (Mikey), or “WolfProwler” (Jush) so you can join the group, need to get a clan going so I can have a cool picture beside my name, just remember we are on the Chaos server. Yes Chris, I’m talkin to you too, so get your… out of… No, no, no, bad Ian. I’ll just call and yell at him 😉 Laterz

It’s Sunday?!?!? I was in the shower, cleaning up after a hard night of slaughting monsters in Ragnarok Online (more on this later), and getting ready to go to the pay-per-veiw (damn Mike and getting me hooked). Then it hit me… –“like the edge of the tub, after slipping on the bar of soap”– I haven’t posted today!!! HERE IT IS Every evil genius needs a black cat, here’s mine. And now I’m gone bye.

OK… As you can tell I have seen the MATRIX, I have followed the white rabbit down his hole, and he offered me a choice to see how deep the hole goes, you can take a blue pill, or a red pill… RED PILL PLEASE!!! I am now lost in the MATRIX…

Look @ that bride, unbelievably beautiful!!!! The two lovely looking ladies up top are old dear friends of mine, the one in white is Jenn (the wedding I went up for), the other is Amy (don’t mess with her, or consider your ass kicked). Met both of them around the same time, but mostly hung out with Amy. Jenn always had a boyfriend, didn’t really see her much, but I guess I had good phone support skillz back then too. She always called when she was in trouble and need somebody to talk too, and for a different view on something, didn’t really mind, had crash on her, did since the day I met her. We became very good friends, I know stuff about her that she has probably forgot about ( not saying much 😉 ), and she know things about me that I will never forget. It’s a good thing we never got involved with each other, or she would not have found Ray, and relationships with a friend always mean you will lose a friend if something goes wrong. The pics are up, but I warn you, they are NOT my best work, forgive me wasn’t allowed to use a flash on the last few so there a little fuzzy. All should explain the past posts. I am truely happy for her…

I so hate weddings… Of course this one hits a little close to home.

Today is a day you will always remember- the greatest in anyone’s life. You’ll start off the day just two people in love and end it as husband and wife. It’s a brand new beginning, the start of a journey, with moments to cherish and treasure. And although there’ll be times when you both disagree, these will surely be outweighed by pleasure. You’ll have heard many words of advice in the past, when the secrets of marriage were spoken, but now you know that the answers lie hidden inside, where the bond of true love lies unbroken. So live happy forever as lovers and friends, it’s the dawn of a new life for you, as you stand there together with love in your eyes from the moment you whisper, “I do”. And with luck, all your hopes, and your dreams can be real, may success find its way to your hearts. Tomorrow can bring you the greatest of joys, but today is the day it all starts.

By Melanie Gibson

I got another one of these things in September, for my good buddy Jeff (Nicole is the better hafe). Glad he never asked me to be best man, hate to say no, (Good friends, yes) not like I am the best man for the job anyway. Still in the wedding party, that means I need a penguin suit. Good thing I got measured up this week, because I don’t think they can get the suit done in less then a week, which would be the next time I’m up this way. Unfortunately this wedding coincides with another friends wedding, already told him, and he’s OK with it, he sez I need to make it up at the “Stag & Doe” or “Shag”, depending where your from. Still hate weddings (refer to last post) Grrrr…

Stupid weddings… Everybody sez “Your day will come soon”. Know what, it won’t!!! Already wrote myself off with finding anybody. Tried of crashing and burning each time, it’s not worth it. No girl has every liked me for who I am, at least too be more then friends, I kown I’m a good friend. Fuck-off. So I’m going to die alone, put me in a pine box in a shallow grave, or use me as kindling, it don’t really matter, not very many people are going to remember me. As for the picture… One of my friends is getting married, as you probably aready know if you visit the site, if not, you know now. Just had to find a pic with red in it, reason for that is she will be moving to Redrock, about an hour from T.Bay. All the power to her, she has found a great guy that treats her right, and makes some ‘bling bling’. Expect to see kidds from them in about 2 yrs, they will be lucky kids, spoiled rotten, and she will treat them like gold. Till next…

Damn, going to miss the weekly Treky/Game nite with the boys, so I put the picture up top to be there in memory. Had a dentist appointment last Monday, and it didn’t turn out to well. Got another appointment today to get three teeth drilled and resurfaced, there is no real problems, just preventive maintance. STILL SUCKS, going to stop drinking pop, first word that came out of his mouth, “Do you drink a alot of pop?” As a final note, went out yesterday with… No, I’m not going to talk about that. Laterzz