Where do I go wrong…? Seem to have Mikey majorly pissed at me for the last post. Sorry bud I had to vent. As for the countdown, hell I haven’t done one before, wanted to try one. (It has been changed a BIT) Maybe I should stop my posts all together, got in trouble from my parentals from one of the posts, and now there’s a chance of losing a good friend. Wish people would not take everything so seriously, I know I have bad humor, but that’s part of my charm (or the reason I don’t have a girlfriend). Damage control sucks… Sorry to all those in my destructive path.

Well some grim happenings fell apon xavier last night, it was brutally violated of it’s uptime by Mr. Saliba. 108 days lost with the touch of three buttons (fixed that, root only), and lack of knowledge of the systems running, and what it ment to me. 3 things not to FUCK with: A man’s automobile/A man’s WOMEN/A man’s UPTIME/Just a little bitter about this, and since I don’t have many friends, ending the friendship is out of the question, I put up a countdown on xavier’s page. 108 what was taken away, 108 days till forgiveness sounds good to me. 😉 That feels better to get that out. Whew, till next time.

Well, I had a “geek weekend”, I sat in front of my computers all day, but can’t say I haven’t learned anything, found a nice app called CoolMon that monitors what’s going on in the system and other stuff, here’s a pic of my desktop (it’s really big) to see what it has going. On a different note, found how to turn on Wolverine from anywhere using WOL from my server (who wouldn’t like to receive a magic packet), and now just to put it in a cron job for about 830am. Cron job can wait till I install the lastest Slackware, distro 9 is here, and it needs some installing. (go ahead, click on the left to read up) The pic up top is me standing in the middle of one of the longest (bout 350 feet) suspension bridges in Canada, which my dad helped with the design. The person who built this one has plans for a longer one. I’ll get on that one too. On the lighter side, turn up your speakers and watch this(brokin 🙁 ), careful it’s catchy. Laterz

I love linux, in two hours Xavier is going to turn 101 days uptime. It just brings a tear to my eye, if I had that ability, being evil and all. 😉 Just thought I would mention it… Bye

As you can see I have been busy, done a few updates. Put a spot to the left to post updates for other things done around the site, and the propaganda pics have been layed down. Flowers up top are from my sweet grandma for my b-day, never knew they had blue roses, but thanks a bunch grandma. Flowers, flowers, flowers, been posting alot of flowers lately as the main pic… Better check and see if my nuts are in place. There they are!!! 😉 Also posted dead links under weddings, (have three coming up this year) odd thing is they all start with “J”. Found a little joke that seems to go well with most weddings I’ve heard of. A little boy asked his father, “Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?” And the father replied, “I don’t know son. I’m still paying.”Till next I speak, ta-ta.

Cake was about the only good thing about that day… Thanks guys. (and gal) F%^#in long day at work. Mom if you call and start nagging, I’ll be in a worse mood!

Well I’m at work so I have to make this quick. I had a good weekend, Saturday I went to Jamie and Shannon’s engagement party, props go to Jamie and Shannon for having the cooolest families, always nice to see parents getting loaded. Seems like I get talked about to much at the VanDalen’s household, think they know me alot better then I know them, guess it’s all good stuff that is said, they seem to like me. Adam, thanks for inviting to Jamie’s parents place (Adam is not related to the VanDalen’s). Moved Bunny on Sunday to his new place since his fokes don’t love him any more (I kid, I kid) and are just leaving him here in Canada, while they go trotting around Asia for the next 5 years, and paying all his bills. :-@ Guess who has to work all by himself on his own birthday. 😐 All for now…

Lucky for me this week wasn’t to busy with the boss gone, because I was sick. Coughing, lack of a voice, and a fever; many thanks go out to Chris and Jamie for coming in early and letting me go home and pass out, helped with my recovery. One thing I found about being sick in a public spot is that everybody has advice how to get over it quicker. The Cure = fairy dust, dragon scale, and water, mix together to form paste, apply to bottom of feet, let it harden, remove crust, reapply water to form paste again, apply to… WHAT?!?! NO… As for the pic up top… One of the sites I visit frequently, Canon Digital Photography Forum I saw a photo challenge with paper and light under “Share Photos”, thought I would give it a whirl, and that’s what I came up with. AWAYYYY…