Traveling sales…

Aright, I’m making another post. Geez, it’s only been 2 weeks. With saying that, there have been a few things that have happened over the last 2 weeks that I can talk about.

The weekend after my last post, I was scheduled to visit my old roommate Alex, in Toronto (“TO” from now on)… yup, big city time. Now I’ve never really been to TO’s downtown core, except for a few times which I can count on one hand, not to mention they weren’t social visits. Now, I’m not sure if most people know what driving in TO’s downtown is like, but it’s not something I’d like to do on a daily basis, or for that matter driving in for a night with Bon Jovi, and Monster Truck Madness happening in town… so, I took the train, and this was the first time.
One of the things I’ve noticed while on the train, and in the train station, was that I must have been the only person in TO that didn’t have a cell phone, and some sort of headphones on… OK, I can understand the cell phone bit, it nice to be reachable, but the fact that so many people are in there own little worlds oblivious sounds of the world around them astounds me. The little sounds the world makes are the things I like to hear; the sound of being deep in the woods with nobody around, and you’d know if somebody was around; the different sound between running shoes and high-heels; hearing laughter in the distance… bah, nobody is listening.
On with the story; Alex meets me at the station after he finished work, and we started the trek to his place (30mins, good walk), and of course first thing he points out when we walk leave the station was where a guy was shot by police when holding a hostage, hmm great. As we are making are way through the sea of people we come to an oddly small building (odd for TO downtown), this building was CBC, since Alex works there he decided to give me a tour. He showed me the areas he worked in, Master Control, and this other room with a fucking shit load of wires, it was really neat to see.

pause– work time… go get a drink…

Ok… more walking, mean while Alex is telling stories about the different places we are passing, whether it’s the history of the place or something stupid he did there and doesn’t remember, either way he makes a good tour guide.
On the walk, we end up deciding what we’re going to eat, it’s at this place called “Chippys”, if you can’t tell by the name it’s a fish’n’chips place about 3-4 blocks away from Alex’s place, and it was good. After we finish eating we drank a few beers and discussed what been happening since we last hung out, then around 11 we headed out to the pub. At the pub, I ended up seeing lots of old friendly faces from the past when living with Alex, and sometime during the night I think I was almost molested by Carlo… it’s nice to be missed, just there’s a line you don’t cross, but he’s Italian so he gets away with it.
On the walk home from the pub I was able to take in the night life of Toronto’s busy streets, it really reminded me of a fair ground, just not as much punk smell. It was past 2am and the sidewalks were packed with all sorts of creatures, from the up scale yuppies and their nice suits, to the grungy punks with full 1 foot hair spikes in an array of colours. It wasn’t the norm for me, but to them I was the one that looked out of place with the normal jacket, normal pants, and my devilish good looks… o.0 –hears laughter in the distance
Right… we got home and when to sleep, Alex was kind enough to give me his room while he slept on the thingy downstairs. In the morning we lounged around, while we wait for his girlfriend to arrive, then we all went for breakfast at what appeared to be a small hole in the wall, but turned out being a roomy restaurant with great food.
Toronto is an interesting city, and big. Nice place to visit but really don’t think it’s a place that I’d like to live, to busy for a small town guy like me, still don’t believe the amount of people. It was a good trip, had fun, and will definitely go back if Alex invites me. I know I’m forgetting some things I wanted to mention, but since this post is becoming quite long I’ll leave it as is.

Last weekend was… well… Winter-een-mas, guess we celebrated with without knowing it. I popped over to Jush’s and Rach’s place for some needed WoW time. We have started a new guild on the “Horde” side, the side I wanted to be in the first place, so it was fun. Also showed them an alcoholic beverage that is very tasty and you can drink WAY to fast if not in milkshake form… brain freezes suck. Mikey showed up Sunday after waking up from his night shift, to join in the festivities of WoW. And that is that…

-Ian out-

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